Hey Ho,
so the new year's here, time for silly new years resolutions, like drink more, sleep less and such...
In manner of this modern useless tradition I thought it would be a good idea to use the first months of the year to get on my backlog a.k.a. #pileofshame. Meaning to finally finish half and almost complete projects. Like...
- 40K Demon Mortarion (30K Morty was finished afters years along with 30K Calas Typhon, right before new years eve)
- all my Plaguebearers (28ish) -> +14 off eBay (looks like I gonna do an "ebay rescue")
- Blight Drone riders (3)
- Beast of Nurgle
- Biker Waaaghboss
- Dropfleet Commander UCM Starter-Fleet
- Dropfleet Commander Scourge Starter-Fleet
- Dropfleet Commander Terrain & Space-Stations
- Lord Cypher (old and new)
- Spacehulk Genestealers
- Spacehulk Terminators (Blood Angels)
- Spacehulk Terminators (Custom Dark Angels)
- Tau Firewarriors
- Ork Bikers
- Ork Battlewagon (Just needs the weathering, which may take a hour or two, how dumb can you be not finishing it in one go?)
- ...you get it...
The plan is - fuck plans - to paint every day a bit or a bit more for the first quarter this year before going into any other waiting project.
For the first couple of days this has been succsesful, wich means getting a mini done sitting almost complete for years on the desk - pics will follow asap.
Just in Case you wonder, the laziest man is of course squig.